Thursday 25 June 2020

My Ako Hiko presenter badge

How does recycling plastic work???

Hello fellow bloggers its me again on the week but not the same blog post. Yesterday we read a book called "Old to new " and it told us what plastic can do when it is used properly. Today we had to do a flow diagram telling you fellow bloggers how plastic gets turned into something useful like even shoes. I enjoyed reading book/articular. it was inserting to know that plastic can be used for something useful. I learned that one thing you but in the bin can be turned in to something something very useful. Here is an example of my work. Hope you enjoyed and how did you like it. comment below do you throw away every plastic bottle that in you house like coke.

Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Is plastic good or bad ??? ( vote )

Hello fellow bloggers how are you doing today. This week we read a book called " Plastic Fantastic " . It is quit a fun book because it tells us about what is going on with the world and all the plastic bags. Our teacher gave us work to do and one of them was to vote that is plastic good or bad so we had to write 4 reasons of is plastic good or bad. I chose bad because what can plastic be good. Here are some of my reasons. if you agree with me leave a comment and I hope you enjoy this blog post. 

Hope you enjoy.


Thursday 11 June 2020

What I know about Tsunamis

Hello fellow bloggers it is me and this week we had to read a book called The hungry wave and it was quite a good book, it even had a message in it just like every other book. I relay enjoyed reading this book and writing what I know about Tsunamis. it was inserting to know that when there is a Tsunami the water goes back from the reef. I learned  that even if you think you don't want your siblings the in your heart there is one part that want them back

Hope you enjoy. 

Thursday 4 June 2020

Samoan words

Hello its me and today I am here with another blog post. I read a book called Tautai and it was quit a good book because the story gives you a great message . I enjoyed finding the meaning of these words because they were hard. it was interesting to know that.... means Aeroplane. I learned that your name is very special and even if some call you something else it dose not mean that your name is not special it still is. I enjoyed doing all of this and i hope now you know some words in Samoa