Thursday 4 June 2020

Samoan words

Hello its me and today I am here with another blog post. I read a book called Tautai and it was quit a good book because the story gives you a great message . I enjoyed finding the meaning of these words because they were hard. it was interesting to know that.... means Aeroplane. I learned that your name is very special and even if some call you something else it dose not mean that your name is not special it still is. I enjoyed doing all of this and i hope now you know some words in Samoa 

1 comment:

  1. Hello there Garv

    It's me Daniel from May Road School, and I like the way that you have made Samoan words and translating like Merion. I would also like to ask if the empty spaces like Lagi and Tigi'ilagi are not translated, and that's all I wanted to say. Bye

    Kind Regards-Daniel
