Thursday 10 September 2020

The awesome shapes I made with my friends

Hello fellow bloggers, yesterday and the before that was we were working on 3D ( 3 Dimensional ) and 2D ( 2 Dimensional ) shapes. This is what I know about the 2D and the 3D shapes is that 2D shapes are flat and 3D shapes stand up. We had to do the nets of a shape and the shape we got was a rectangular prism ( rectangle ) so we had to draw how it will like like when we unfold it our take it apart. I enjoyed the part where we had to draw and predict how it will look like when it is open. I learned that the D that is after the stands for Dimensional. The thing I found hard was trying to make a replica of the box we got but with paper. Here is 2 of the photos and this is how the paper one look liked compered to the box.

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