Wednesday 16 January 2019

( summer learning journey ) what I think about the selfie

in this picture I see a man and I think he is walking on the great  wall of china. the man how is clicking the photo is smiling . he is standing in a celeriac near two mountain  and the back I see a lot of buildings and houses even I see three mountains it looks like that the photo was clicked high up in one of the heights wall in the world  even the photo looks like that it is painted.

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Garv,

    You have made a good start to this activity, I can see how it would look like he's standing on the Great Wall of China and even a celeriac! You have described the surroundings of the man in the picture with detail, ka pai.

    Perhaps next time you could write about what the man would be feeling in that moment when he snaps the photo he is smiling and posing for... I feel like he'd hop down to safety and breathe a deep sigh of relief because he didn't fall!

    If you were visiting a beautiful place like the one in the picture and wanted to take a fun selfie, would you take a risky one like this? Personally, I wouldn't, I like being alive!

    A friendly reminder; to earn full points for this activity your story must be 8-10 sentences long. Please edit your post and add a bit more on to your story. You will be awarded full points once you have done this. :)

    Keep persevering and working hard.

    Toe feiloa'i fo'i,

    Ms Tokuma.
