Thursday 5 November 2020

My Unsolvable Lunch Time Maths

 Hello Fellow Bloggers, Today's blog post is going to completely blow you guys minds 🤯 since you need a big brain to do it. Today we did maths and we had to solve something about time.

The thing that I enjoyed was working with my friends and doing maths after a long time because of COVID 19. The thing that I found interesting was that how the answer would be 2 hours and 50 mins because my answer was 2 hours and 10 mins but it was still fun. What I learned I got to think before I speak. The part that I found hard was trying to solve this equation but my friends were there to help me. This took a long time to solve but we got 💯%.

Hope you enjoy


  1. Hey Garv it's me shamili so So basically I really like tell you talked like you were talking to a friend in the introductions it was very great . I also like to tell you talked about how hard you found it to do it and how easy it was and how you did it with your friends it was very great. But maybe next time you could tell us how you solved it keep up the great work .

    1. Hi There Shamili, Thank you for that comment. Although your sentences don't make sense but still thanks for the comment.

      Kind Regards-Garv
