Thursday, 26 March 2020

A dangerous pet

this week we had to write about a dangerous pet on a kids birthday. I enjoyed writing this. it was interesting to know that there are some rich words.I learned that some birthday gifts are dangerous. I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it.

hope you enjoy. 

A dangerous pet

the twins birthday today but they were not really twins. Everybody was invited to the party in kingdom Azeallbath . People were so excited and proud of Criena and Alex the dad was the most. The dads Gift was a terrifying dragon. When the dad presented his gift everybody got scared the babies were crying the mums and dad were telling the babies “ don’t worry everything is going to be fine “ the children's mum said “ WHAT IS THIS STUPIDITY ! Why is there a dragon in my kingdom.” Alex Said “ mum this is our birthday gift. “ your highness shall I present you some water”. “ no servant be gone “. Criena and Alex ran outside with the dragon. First thing they wanted to do was to train the dragon so they watched the movie how to train a dragon. But did not learn anything but how to say whoa a lot. Everyday they would get up early and train their dragon by themselves. Someday they use to rule the kingdom with their dragon and sometimes even feed the dragon rocks. The dragon was blue and big including he could breathe fire and burn things. The kids were happy about their present but the parents were not.

Some days were gone by it was the mums birthday but the only gift she asked was to take the dragon away from here the kids refused to do that. Until the dragon got kicked out forcefully the kids cried when they saw the dragon leave their kingdom the tears were pouring down like rain there was nothing to do for the kids. The kids were sad and lonely. The servant came to make them happy but nothing could make them happy any more until………

A ROOOOAR everybody got scared. The kids looked out the window and saw their dragon was breathing fire and burning all the attackers and the dragon came to the window and looked sad. The kids ran towards the dragon and started crying out loud. The parents came up and hugged the kids and said “ I will never do that again “. the kids said “yeah you won’t”.

 ( THE END )

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