Monday 10 December 2018

the story of Maui

this week we wrote about Maui. Enjoyed  witting about it. here is an example about my story. hope you enjoy it. 

Summer learning journey about Maui 

Maui dreamed of fishing with his brother but he couldn't because his brothers they keep on making silly excuse so maui can’t go fishing. Sometimes they say that we fish to much the boat gets full of fishes even some of them said that you are so skinny to go ot fishing he got sad the next morning he went and hided in the big fat boat untiel his brother came his brother. When his brother came and then they went fishing. When the boat was far away from land maui popped out from the boat and started fishing. After some time his fishing hook got heavier he started his karakie. After That when his brother saw him they went back and then muai pulled that fish up and then it became new Zealand


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