Thursday, 30 July 2020

My cool drawing about Matariki

Hello fellow bloggers, welcome back to another blog post. Today we did art and in art we had to draw about Matariki and what it means to me. If you don't know what Matariki is then Matariki is a group of seven stars and one of them Matariki. and that is there Mother. each of them have powers like storm, healing, water and other more. This is my work and I hope you enjoy my art work.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

The awesome Info about the Moriori

Hello fellow bloggers this week we had to write a infographic about the Moriori people.
Rēkohu then some European people came on a ship and said to the Morior that " this land is now king the 3 and this is going to be called Chatham island. I enjoyed that when after some people had.... the NZ people gave the Moriori people 6 million dollars for them. I learned that sometimes not always one law works. It was interesting to find out that the Moriori people are actually Polynesians.

My awesome second side of a shape

Hello fellow bloggers 2 days ago me and My friends made a shape and we made one half of the shape. So we could make the other half on our Chromebooks and I made the other half. I enjoyed making the shapes by poly line because some of the shapes were not there. I learned that you never give up because you can even make something that you want. It was challenging to make the shapes by hand because I had so many try's to make a shape. this was my blog post.

Hope you enjoy

The Ancient law of Nunuku

Hello Fellow bloggers, I am back with another blog post.  This week we had been reading about some people called the Moriori. The Moriori people are really just Polynesians that came to NZ (New Zealand) as settlers ( Travellers ) in 1500 . In 1835 the Moriori people were invaded by the tribes of NZ that came to their Land Rekohu ( Chatham island ). So the mighty Nunuku made a law and that law was to bring.... ( Wait for the DLO to see what the law was about ).  I enjoyed finding the info for this law and reading the  book. I learned that sometimes you have to break law to keep some thing  and that is what Nunuku didn't do so he lost his... It was challenging to find some of the information for this. it was interesting to find out that they were separated form the main land of... 

Hope you enjoy. If  you like Nunuku's law then comment.