Sunday, 3 May 2020

distance learning

for a few weeks our school was doing distance learning. if you don't know what distance learning is well distance learning is where you learn form home and your teachers are the same. but in NZ they have opened the school for the people can't work from home can send their children to school so they can still learn. but in distance learning there is a video call you have to do even if you are in school or not. our school has been doing distance learning for a sometime because of the COVID 19 lookdown. in distance learning our teachers send us a time table that tells us what we have to do in the whole week and we follow it . that was my blog about telling what distance learning is and how we are doing it.

hope you enjoyed.


  1. Hi there Garv
    I like how you have described your learning during distance learning. How do you like this distance learning? When do you think things will be normal and everyone will be back at school?

    1. HI there MRS petrus
      I like my distance learning it is fun and I am still working but at home. I think that the school will open at around level 2. Thank you for posting a comment on my blog.

      kind regards

  2. Hi Garv this is Razan
    Me too I am really enjoying distance learning, lucky you have more experience in digital learning than me. I am trying too hard to keep up with you guys.
